
Alation Updates Data Intelligence Platform with Enhanced Connectivity | Transforming Data with Intelligence – TDWI

Data intelligence

Alation Updates Data Intelligence Platform with Enhanced Connectivity

Newest release simplifies user provisioning and data domains to accelerate onboarding and increase search relevancy.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor’s statements.

Alation Inc., an enterprise data intelligence platform vendor, released Alation 2021.1. The update extends connector and query coverage to a wide range of data sources, provides relevant search and discovery through data domains, and features new data governance capabilities.

 The platform’s new, federated authentication enables users to query cloud services using single sign-on.

Alation 2021.1 also includes:

  • Accelerated time to insight. A new Open Connect Framework software development kit (SDK) enables third parties, including customers and partners, to build connectors to niche RDBMS and BI data sources. Through the containerization, enterprises can manage upgrades to connectors without disruption to the data catalog. Users can query new types of data sources, such as NoSQL and application sources, directly through Alation’s Compose, an intelligent SQL editor, decreasing the time it takes to discover and generate insights from data.
  • Increased search relevancy. Data domains increase search relevancy by allowing users to narrow their searches based on how data is grouped logically by the organization, such as business unit or geography. The platform’s upgraded user provisioning provides immediate access to role-specific experiences with a one-time mapping of enterprise directory groups and expedites onboarding. 
  • Data governance capabilities. New impact analysis reports provide an immediate view into the downstream impact of data changes, and help uncover the root cause of issues based on the quality or trustworthiness of upstream data sources. A new profiling integration with Compose also allows users to identify and correct data quality issues as data is consumed.

Alation 2021.1 also includes Search API that allows for the integration of Alation Search with third party tools. Updates to enhanced analytics allow users to analyze and filter search terms by date range and user group.

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