
Wejo: “Data Intelligence is pushing fleet potential further” – Fleet Europe

Data intelligence

“Fleet need data intelligence platforms to seize the services expansion opportunity in Europe”, says Benoit Joly, EVP Automotive and Mobility of Wejo, which aggregates and converts data into insight that help fleets improve their operations and create next gen services. Wejo is one of the Diamond Sponsors of the Connected Fleets Conference on 30th September. Register now to join us, to learn from industry experts, to be inspired by the best best practices, and to meet telematics and data intelligence experts during the full-day virtual conference on fleet connectivity with the baseline ‘Telematics, the proof of succes’.

Join the 2021 Connected Fleets Conference during which Benoit Joly, EVP Automotive and Mobility of Wejo will explain how turn Vehicle Data into monetizable value and business for Fleet at 3 p.m. CET.

Do you think fleets and OEMs are using their data to gain enough necessary insight? 

“We are at the beginning of a very long journey in turning data into intelligent insights. Most OEMs today have a plan to turn data into a sales stream- some countries like Germany being more advanced than others. However the usage of car data globally remains very low and basic. There is an opportunity to step up to the level where the car data is turned into seamless intelligence that can improve fleet business operations or help create next generation personalized car & mobility services. We have two paths during this journey. The first one is to get more and quality data out of the cars. The second is to start processing this data into smart busines and services use cases. While we work tighlty with OEMs and Fleet owners on the former, we are focusing a lot on the latter to create future services successes.” 

What fleets should do to successfully monetize data? 

“There are usually 3 ways that you can turn data into value. The first is to use data to understand the efficiency of your business and build insights. The second is to use data to build stronger relationships with your customers via new valuable services potentially. Data gives the insight to create a smart interface between your customers and increase interactions. The third is data aids you in gaining ecosystem service partners to leverage your data in order to bring more value to your operations or deploy next generation services more rapidly.”

What are Wejo’s vision and role to enhance fleet connectivity for smarter and safer mobility? 

“Firstly, fleet companies are not always organized to turn data into value beyond existing services. Secondly, building a big team of data scientists requires time. So, having a partner that manages these capabilities in a specialized way carries value to them. Third, you have a narrow view on when you are dealing with your own data. The value we bring to the ecosystem is to compel the competitors or at least benchmark for comparison or process optimization. Our view around mobility, OEMs and fleets helps everyone make most of their data when compared to the best practices of the industry.” 

Is Europe at the forefront when it comes to fleet data intelligence or do you see other regions have more maturity?

“Europe remains fragmented in terms of fleet management platforms, especially when compared to other regions. Data intelligence should be one key trigger that drives future value for fleet players that want to grow and consolidate in this market. Thanks to its intimacy with major OEMs, Wejo wants to equip fleet players with robust data intelligence assets that will help them turn their fleet management into more efficient operations and create next generation fleet and mobilty services. Mastering data to drive daily business efficiency and value will be something necessary for the repertoire.”
